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IWD 2024: Female forward: How diversity drives organisational success

Thu, 7th Mar 2024

Over the years, gender equality and women empowerment have steadily gotten louder and more ubiquitous, extending from representation in media to increasing opportunities in the workplace. Amidst these strides, a critical corporate imperative emerges the need to understand the true value of hiring more women in leadership positions in male-dominated industries.

The Global Gender Gap Report 2023 shows that the Philippines maintained its full parity in senior and technical workers in terms of Economic Participation and Opportunity. This indicates the continuous effort to give women more equal opportunities in the workplace. Despite the efforts and good intentions of organisations to build equal representation at all levels, an underlying facet still needs to be addressed — women need to be seen as women leaders and acknowledge the impact that their identity brings into the organisation.

It is commonly believed that giving more work benefits and career advancement opportunities are the only solutions to level the playing field for women. But the truth is: that becoming a leader is more than just having a higher title, better benefits, or a bigger paycheck. Organisations need to address the fragile process and the importance of letting women leaders be recognized for who they are.

Throughout my career, especially coming from beauty - a polar opposite to my current path, I have learned that shattering the glass ceiling doesn’t happen overnight or with one big blow. What propelled me forward was fully embracing my attributes as a woman — a little too expressive, too passionate, or too different that often challenges corporate leadership norms. Despite some obstacles, I strove to remain authentically and unapologetically.

It’s essential for companies to value women as they are and break away from stereotypes in leadership roles commonly associated with men. I strived to learn and prove that beneath the packaging was an earnest mind, a heart to serve customers, and a desire to tell our brand story. It’s a continuous exercise of ensuring that your voice and ideas are heard. It’s also not a singular or an individual endeavour, but one that is enriched and won with every woman’s win.

With this mindset, women will be able to continue the legacy of leading by just being who they authentically are. It is vital for my team, as well as for my young daughter, Alaïa, and grandniece, Sofia, to see that there are no limits to their aspirations. Regardless of the industry or craft they choose to pursue, their ideas should be valued, their accomplishments celebrated, and their presence welcomed. Women should know they do not just have a seat at the table, but that they can head and lead that very table.

I strongly advocate partner leadership and authenticity, as both lead to earning my team’s trust and empowering them to surpass expectations. By freely sharing their goals and challenges, their creativity rises and their dedication solidifies. We then can have a team marked by productivity, trust, and fun.

As we pursue the advancement in technology, utilities, and mobility, the same progress must be seen and endeavoured for women that will allow them to thrive and contribute to every facet of these industries.

MPT Mobility stands among the many progressive Filipino companies that I believe embody equality in the workplace. I have witnessed how women can truly champion our industry. Over half of our business units and support divisions are led or have women in key management roles. At MPT Mobility, I constantly find myself being given opportunities to thrive and confidently express myself to push forward ideas and innovations. 

When organisations sincerely recognize and see a woman for who she is and the seismic changes she can bring about, we fully unleash the potential for unparalleled progress and success – both for her journey and the industry she chooses to impact.