SpaceDC announces new partnership with Centrin Data
SpaceDC has announced a partnership with Centrin Data in China, which aims to sell Centrin Data's data centers and services in China, including their Wuhan and Kunshan data centers.
With a significant market growth for financial services reported in China, the partnership will help meet the growing demands within the sector by providing a more comprehensive range of services and space across the country.
Currently in their portfolio, Centrin has a planned 225MW, first phase 70MW facility located in Wuhan City and another 192MW facility located in Kunshan City. The Kunshan facility has a total area of 165,744m2 and its own 220KV substation, while the Wuhan data center campus has an annual average of PUE <1.4 and a total area of 206,532.41m2.
The Kunshan facility delivers a capacity of up to 32,000 racks and the Wuhan facility 40,00, with a planned two-stage development expected to project a total capacity of 225MW with the first phase comprising of 70MW.
Both have Uptime Tier IV certifications and high security standards.
"Our data centers are strategically located and specifically designed with high security and rich network connections with a particular focus for the financial services customers," says Centrin Data CEO Yang Yu.
"SpaceDC and Centrin Data will have a long and prosperous partnership as our companies share a common vision for our customers globally."
SpaceDC EVP of strategic partnerships Jeffrey Tay agrees that the partnership will help create a variety of opportunities for a growing market and believes now is the perfect for change as borders open up.
"With China opening the borders to foreign financial institutions, our customers are asking for an experienced data center operator in key cities like Wuhan and Kunshan," he says.
"With a reputation for resilient facility with high security protocols for the financial services sector, Centrin Data more than delivers what our customers are looking for."
SpaceDC COO Carolyn Harrington agrees and says the partnership provides a great space for customer growth and acceleration.
"This is a natural progression for our data center platform as we provide robust and resilient spaces for our customers to grow. China and these cities in particular, we continue to see an increase in demand. Centrin Data was a natural and proven choice," she says.
Centrin Data has 17 years of experience in data center build and operations, and they currently service financial institutions, hyperscalers, large domestic and multinational enterprises.
SpaceDC is headquartered in Singapore and has over 60 years of experience designing, building and operating facilities around the globe.