Data Exchange Networks achieves world-first
For over 20 years the de facto performance standard for data centers has been Uptime Institute and its Tier Standards.
Today Data Exchange Networks (DXN) celebrated achieving the TIER-Ready IV design review award, but what makes it unique is that DXN is now the first modular data center developer in the world to receive both TIER-Ready III and TIER-Ready IV design review awards.
What this means is the company is equipped to offer modular capacity to be deployed with the required levels of resiliency and combined within the same site.
The Tier Standards from Uptime Institute act as an assurance for global customers that the modules have been pre-approved to verify conformity to the stringent design elements.
Uptime Institute chief technology officer Christopher Brown says DXN has emerged as a unique case as it is now the only data center developer – both traditional and modular – in the world that is capable of providing a blended Tier-III and Tier-IV modular environment within a single data center facility.
"Data Exchange Network has recognised the need for a range of modular data center solutions that support the various levels of Tier Standard specified resiliency," says Brown.
"DXN is the first modular data center provider to offer a range of individual solutions that work together yet are individually aligned with the Tier Standard: Topology Tier III and Tier IV requirements.
The company is now equipped to offer the blend of modular environments at both its Sydney and Melbourne colocation data centers which are scheduled to be operational early next year.
DXN CEO Peter Christie says the company has worked to differentiate itself from competitors that operate on a one-size-fits-all model, as it can tailor its colocation space to suit unique customer requirements, enabling them to specify cloud configurations and optimise costs accordingly.
"These design review awards by Uptime Institute mark the end of the engineering phase for the two new data centers in Melbourne and Sydney. DXN is now able to deliver blended Tier-III and Tier-IV capacity at both data centers in order to meet unique customer requirements and set price points that reflect the resilience they require.
"For our mission critical infrastructure customers buying pre-fabricated Edge data centers from us, we can deliver TIER-Ready solutions out of the box in 1MW blocks that can quickly and easily become fully Tier Certified by Uptime Institute once deployed.
According to Christie, DXN is also in the midst of plans to build blended Tier-III and Tier-IV data centers for other organisations in Australia and Asia as there is increasing demand for rapid deployment of pre-certified facilities of all sizes.
DXN celebrated the achievement of its TIER-Ready III design review award in September this year.