Case Study: Building distributed internet exchanges with Cloud Xpress
The demand for Internet Exchange (IX) services drives continued, rapid expansion of IX facilities.
Leading IX providers often operate multiple facilities within a single metro area to satisfy this demand, and they want all of their facilities to be interconnected seamlessly to operate as a single, large scale, distributed IX.
This requires very high capacity metro optical transport that is simple to deploy and scale, and fits the space and power constraints of an urban datacenter environment. Infinera's Cloud Xpress is proving to be an ideal fit for these requirements, and a key enabler for the distributed IX.
IX is the heart of the Internet, the place where the Internet actually gets connected. Since the early days of Network Access Points shared by a few dominant backbone providers, the idea of IX has grown and transformed into a robust Metro IX ecosystem serving a wide range of companies providing cloud-based content, applications and services.
Everyone wants to be in the right IX facilities to connect to their customers, partners and providers.
But how do organisations make this happen?